Dr Amel Karboul
CEO, Education Outcomes Fund
Dr Amel Karboul
CEO, Education Outcomes Fund
Dr Amel Karboul is the CEO of Education Outcomes Fund (EOF), a new partnership model, centred around outcomes. The EOF model is a new way to bring together donors, investors, education organizations, and government to work towards a common set of outcomes.
Amel is an author, speaker, former minister, philanthropist, business leader and was the first woman in history to occupy Tunisia’s Minister of Tourism position as the youngest member of the Mehdi Jomaa government from January 2014 to February 2015.
Before venturing into politics, Karboul was a project leader for the Mercedes-Benz brand in South Africa and Germany as well as an executive with the DaimlerChrysler Corporate University in the United States, Germany, and Singapore.
She has also worked in leadership roles for global consulting groups such as Neuwaldegg and the Boston Consulting Group and was the CEO and founder of the international leadership and change consulting firm Change, Leadership and Partners.
She is the author of Coffin Corner, a book published in 2015, and also currently serves as the Secretary-General of the Maghreb Economic Forum, and a commissioner to the International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity.
She was listed in the second publication of 100 Most Influential African Women in 2020 by Avance Media.
Credits: Wikipedia, karboul.com